Badge / Registration

  • What If I've lost my badge?
    -We suggest writing your name on your badge
    -Proper identifications MUST be provided in order for your lost badge to be returned to you
    -If you lose your badge please check with Convention Operations (Con Ops) to see if your badge has been turned in.
    -Please return all “Found” badges to Con Ops
  • What is your badge refund policy?
    We do not offer refund on badges. However you can transfer your pass to someone else or roll it over for next year.
  • Ticket admissions (Badges)
    We accept exact cash & credit card payments at the door as well as payments online.
  • Pre-purchased Tickets
    Please have your email receipt, order number, and/or code ready when coming to pick up your badge.
  • I’m a minor. Do I have to be accompanied by an adult?
    Children 10 and under can get in to the event for free. However, they will need an accompanying adult who must purchase a ticket to enter. Any questions regarding registration can be directed to [email protected]
  • What if I need to leave, can I come back?
    Yes, Please keep your wristband or badge on you so when you do re-enter the con our staff will be able to see that you've already paid.

Misc / Info

  • Convention Schedule
    Our schedule will be posted a handful of weeks prior to the convention date
  • Vendor List
    Vendors will be listed a few weeks before convention date
  • Security
    If you need any assistance you may approach convention staff at any time, we are here to ensure you are safe and enjoying the event.
  • Behavior Expectations
    All attendees MUST adhere to all city, county, and state laws while attending the convention. Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. There will be no mock battles (sword, lightsaber, nerf gun, etc.) on or outside the premises. Con Staff and Officers reserve the right to revoke your badge if they deem you are acting inappropriately. All decisions are final and are not subject to questions or refunds.
  • Weapon Policy
    Weapons of ANY kind are not permitted. This includes knives, metal swords of any kind, guns (replica and real), or any sharp object. No explosives and/or smoke producing items of any kind. If you have to think of whether it is safe to bring to our event, leave it in your car. Alternatively find a Con Staff member and ask them BEFORE bringing your prop inside.
  • Behavior with weapons
    Misuse of any weapon, such as swinging it in a public area or causing hazards to passerby, will get your privilege revoked immediately.

    If we deem a weapon to be unsafe for the con, we will ask you to store the unsafe weapon in your private quarters (ie your car). If there is a repeat offense, we will escort you out of the convention and off of convention grounds so that you can place the weapon in your private quarter; if the weapon is illegal, we will turn it in to the appropriate authorities.

    Any weapons purchased that is boxed, should remain boxed and stored in your private quarters. Weapons are not to be taken our of their packaging or wrappings while at the convention.

    All objects brought into the convention may be checked and considered by MoTownCon Staff. You may be asked to have your weapons peace bonded at the con.

    All questionable items will be decided on a case-by-case basis. Anything deemed illegal outside the convention is deemed illegal inside the convention premises. All MoTownCon staff decisions on weapons are final.

Dress Code / Support

  • MoTownCon Dresscode
    Dress Code MoTownCon is a family friendly event, and there will be people of all ages present throughout the convention. All cosplays should be modest and of the appropriate size. Please note: MoTownCon reserves the right to deem a costume as unacceptable and to request that the wearer makes modifications as necessary, change out of the costume entirely into more appropriate clothing, or requite you to leave the convention.

    If your costume hinders your vision or movement in any way, you should have a friend, or “handler”, with you at all times who can move and see freely.
  • Consent to Film, Photo, ect?
    Attendees may be photographed or filmed at any time at the convention. By purchasing admission or attending MoTownCon, all attendees consent to being recorded (by audio, visual and/or other means) for social media and promotional purposes. In other words, by attending MoTownCon, you give your consent to be photographed and appear on camera.
  • Public Decency with Costumes
    Shirts, clothing, costumes, or sign promoting vulgar, pornographic or the likes are strictly prohibited.

    Please do not wear clothing with distasteful messages or words.

    Proper footwear is required at all times.

    No rollerblades or roller-skates.

    Short skirts, kilts, etc must be accompanied by proper underwear. Ineffective underwear or a lack thereof constitutes indecent exposure. Offenders may be turned over to law enforcement.

    Clothing should at least cover what a 2-piece bikini (for females) or swim shorts (for males) would cover.

    Signs that are held or messages/words written on shirts or your body are permitted but they must stay tasteful.